Archive for February, 2020

New! Taxable cash allowances

by Admin

For some time now, The Salary Calculator has allowed you to enter the value of any taxable benefits that you receive (such as private health insurance, or a company car). These are things that your employer pays for and you get the benefit of, and therefore you pay tax on the value of these benefits even though you don’t receive any extra cash. I have had a lot of people contact me asking about a similar option, but this time for when your employer pays you extra cash so that you can pay for something yourself – a common one was a car allowance (as opposed to a company car) or a mobile phone allowance.

This option has finally been added to the calculator, on the Taxable Benefits tab. If you receive such an allowance, enter the value of it into the “cash allowances” option, and choose whether you receive this amount annually, monthly or weekly. Cash allowances are treated differently from benefits in kind in two main ways – firstly, they are extra cash so your take-home pay will increase despite the extra tax, and secondly, National Insurance is deducted as well as income tax.

You can also choose, on the Pension tab, whether your employer includes the value of your cash allowances when working out your pension contributions.

If you receive a cash allowance (or have been offered one) and would like to see what difference it would make, try it out on The Salary Calculator!

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