Pay As You Earn

Budget 2012 update

by Admin

Today, the Chancellor gave his annual budget speech in the House of Commons, outlining government spending plans for the next couple of years. The details of income tax and National Insurance from 6th April 2012 had already been provided, so as I have explained in a previous post, The Salary Calculator is up to date with the latest tax information.

However, the Chancellor took the opportunity to outline plans for income tax from April 2013, and there will be a few changes. Firstly, the under-65 tax free allowance will be increased from April 2013 to £9,205,  in line with the coalition pledge to increase the tax-free personal allowance to £10,000 before the next election. This is an increase of £1,100 on the April 2012 value, saving those on low and middle incomes up to £220 per year. However, the increased personal allowances currently available to those over 65 will be frozen and, for those not yet receiving the increased allowances, replaced by a single allowance for all ages (although this change will not take immediate effect).

Another change in 2013 will be to reduce the top rate of income tax, paid by those earning over £150,000 per year, from 50% to 45%. The 50% rate was introduced by the Labour government, where previously such income would have been taxed at 40%. This will be popular with traditional Tory voters but Labour are complaining that the richest are getting tax cuts in this time of austerity.

The Salary Calculator will be updated with the April 2013 values nearer the time – in the meantime, you can see what the April 2012 changes will make to your pocket each month by checking The Salary Calculator 2012. There is also a comparison utility so you can easily see the difference between 2011 and 2012.

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New – graphical representation of salary deductions

by Admin

To help you to visualise where your income deductions are going, and how much of your money you get to keep (take-home pay), I thought I would add some pie charts to The Salary Calculator. Now, when you have entered your details and are viewing the table of results, there is an option to see a graphical representation of that information:

Screenshot of the graphical representation link

Screenshot of the graphical representation link

Click on this link, and an overlay will pop up, to show you an interactive pie chart that clearly explains where your money goes each year:

Example pie chart of UK salary deduction breakdown

Example pie chart of UK salary deduction breakdown

Of course, it will also show pension and student loan deductions if those apply to your calculations. To get started, head over to The Salary Calculator and enter your details. I hope you find this new tool useful – please use the comments section below to leave any feedback or suggestions for improvements.

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Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 About The Salary Calculator No Comments

Visualisation of salary deductions

by Admin

Following the update of The Salary Calculator to April 2012 tax rates, I thought it might be interesting to see how the proportion of your salary eaten up by income tax and National Insurance changes as you earn more money. If you earn less than £8,105 you pay no tax and less than £7,605 you pay no National Insurance. But those earning more than £150,000 per year will be losing nearly half their income to the tax man. I created the following chart showing how your take-home pay increases as your salary increases from £0 to £200,000:

Chart showing the proportion of UK salaries taken by tax and national insurance

Click the image for a larger, interactive version

Take home is in blue – the red section on top is the tax you pay, and the yellow section on top of that is National Insurance. For those of you paying off your student loan, here is a version with those deductions on top, in green:

Chart showing proportions of UK salary taken by income tax, national insurance and student loan

Click the image for a larger, interactive version

So you can see that as your salary goes up, your take-home pay (the blue line) always increases… but the higher your salary is, the slower your take-home pay increases with each pay rise, as more of it is going to the government.

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April 2012 Update

by Admin

The Salary Calculator has been updated with the latest tax information which takes effect from 6th April 2012.

This year, the standard personal allowance (the amount you are allowed to earn each year tax-free) has been increased from £7,475 to £8,105 which will mean that most of us will pay less tax. However, for higher earners, the threshold of taxable income for the 40% tax rate has been lowered from £35,000 to £34,370 – which will reduce the improvement from the increased personal allowance (although you should still be better off!). The National Insurance thresholds have also increased slightly, which all goes towards helping you bring more money home each month.

For those paying into pension schemes through their employer there is a change which may affect the amount of National Insurance you pay. Firstly, the NI rebate on “contracted-out” salary related schemes has reduced from 1.6% to 1.4% – which will mean you pay a little more National Insurance than in 2011. However, those paying into a money-purchase pension scheme will find that from April 2012 this is no longer considered “contracted-out”, so you will get no rebate at all. You can see what a difference this will make by un-ticking the “Contracted out” option on The Salary Calculator. More information is available in this goverment document explaining the change [PDF].

Head over to The Salary Calculator to see what a difference this will make to your pay packet next month – there’s even a comparison utility which shows a breakdown of the difference between 2011 and 2012.

You can read more about the April 2012 tax and NI rates on The Salary Calculator’s about page, or these useful pages from HMRC:

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Thursday, March 1st, 2012 Pay As You Earn 3 Comments

Raising the personal allowance

by Admin

The personal allowance is the amount of money you are allowed to earn each year before you start paying income tax. As mentioned in a recent BBC article, Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats made an election pledge to raise the personal allowance to £10,000 (at the time of the election, the personal allowance was £6,475). As part of the coalition government the Conservatives and the Lib Dems agreed to make this increase before 2015, and last year the threshold was increased by £1,000 to £7,475 – although, as I reported at the time, the threshold for 40% tax was lowered at the same time so that those earning more would start paying 40% tax sooner.

This April, the standard allowance for the under-65s is set to increase again, this time to £8,105. This is less of an increase than last year (a change only of £630) but it will still make a significant difference to those on lower incomes. Nick Clegg is pushing for the threshold to be raised quicker than that, but the Conservatives are resisting it for now – the main reason for this being that the lost tax would have to be paid for elsewhere. This could mean either increasing other taxes or making further cuts.

The personal allowance is affected by your tax code, which means you may not receive the standard tax-free amount. More information about tax codes in this blog post.

The Salary Calculator will be updated in early Spring with the tax thresholds and rates for April 2012.

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Monday, January 30th, 2012 Income Tax, Pay As You Earn No Comments

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